'Let's NOT do lunch': Donate to Cancer Research UK instead

Support CASCAID event today

clock • 3 min read

Lawrence Gosling explains why Professional Adviser is supporting the wealth management industry's CASCAID charity campaign to raise £1m for Cancer Research UK - and today's 'Let's NOT do lunch'event

I don't know about you, but 15 or 20 years ago I was a bit sceptical about the effectiveness of medical charities. Millions seemed to be raised each year and yet major illnesses and diseases appeared as prevalent as ever, and I often asked myself why governments were not using more of our taxes to tackle these problems. Of course, your opinion of something often changes when you get a more personal experience, and so did mine nearly 12 years ago when I ended up in hospital for emergency heart surgery to replace two valves.  In my case, I received two prosthetic ones, which apparent...

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