FCA: ESG fund labelling rules to be published within the year

Comes after a hinted delay to the introduction of SDR

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has issued its strategy for the next 12 months, pledging to publish the finalised Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) by this time next year. 

In yesterday's release (5 April) of its 2023/24 business plan,  the FCA has re-emphasised that the sustainability disclosures of investment products and corporates will be a priority area for the year ahead - with the regulator making its first firm commitment to publish the final rules by the end of the period, before commencing the implementation process.  The FCA has taken the opportunity to assure firms of its intentions to "intervene quickly and assertively" against firms not meeting its SDR rules, stating accurate market pricing and protecting consumers from misleading marketing as...

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Sian Barnett Wike
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Sian Barnett Wike

Sian Barnett Wike is Deputy Editor of Sustainable Investment

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